Monday, May 4, 2009


It's not funny. For the first time in my life I am having real, honest to goodness, body chilling nightmares! I have had nightmares for 3 nights in a row and this morning at 4:30 I woke up after a nightmare where Larry and I were stalked by some murderers! When I finally woke up every nerve in my body was on fire! I was so scared and messed up! When Larry work up this morning I told him about the nightmares and he gave me a priesthood blessing. Let's hope tonight will be better. I don't know how many more sleepless nights I can have without having a nervous breakdown!


SLO Rober said...

I'm sorry about the nightmares. For some reason, I have always had nightmares. Real horrible ones. Sometimes mine are brought on by rich food, too late at night. Sometimes they just happen.

Mae said...

Good luck with the nightmares. I have night terrors almost every week but occasionally I have nightmares and they're horrible.

I remember my nightmares but I never remember my night terrors, so aside from the random bruises and poor sleep, I think I'll take night terrors. Less scary to my concious thought (although my unconciousness takes a beating).