Wednesday, August 4, 2010

What got mixed up with prop 8?

Let me first say that I DO NOT HATE OR DISCRIMINATE AGAINST GAYS OR LESBIANS. However, they are haveing a fieldtime in the streets today and rubbing my nose in it. I can't watch news to see what is going on around the world, because all I see is Jubilation at the overturning over of Prop 8. When have I ever taken to the streets to brag about being married to my husband? I don't protest them having their day in court. And I don't make out in the public streets, in bars, in pools, in parks, at ballgames or any other public forum. My love is sacred to me and my spouse.

Prop 8 never was about discrimination, it's about the God Given right of Marriage to propogate the world with families. Today I heard someone say that the United States can no longer say no to Lesbian or Gay partners to marry. Prop 8 wasn't about politics, it's about religion. About the right of God Fearing men and women to hold sacred their right to the sancity of Marriage. And the right of Heterosexuals to keep "Marriage' between a man and woman just the way God planned it in the Garden of Eden.

I'm sure my kids could have said it better, but I had to write down my feelings.

1 comment:

Lisa Henderson said...

They say it wont block our freedom to of religion - but we are already seeing it happen. A girl just got kicked out of the counseling masters program because she believes homosexuality it morally wrong. They will only let her back in if she enrolls in a rehabilitation program and changes her views. Tell me how that does not conflict with the freedom of religion!?!

For me its has nothing to do with love or gays or marriage - its about protecting the freedom of religion which was foundational to the forming of this country and is essential to its continued success.