Monday, November 10, 2008

Helping out Girly

This last week I have been in St. George, UT, helping out Lisa and John and the boys. This ol' grma aint as young as she used to be, but I'm still keeping up with the boys. Caleb is really getting mature, although he still has a hard time sharing his match box cars. It must be the same training the men got because men act the same way with the remote control to the TCV.

Davis, is still a charmer, and he reminds me so much of Lisa as a young child. Need I say more? Well, some of you didn't know Lisa as a small child. She was a charmer, and cute as a bug, very loveable, but then there is the side that exactly mimic's every move his older brother makes. When you restrain him in any way, force him to do anything he doesn't want to do, say no to anything he want, then you have a regular 'throw yourself on the ground, kick with all your might, lash out with your hand to hit anything within reach, and glower at you with a look that says it all'- you skum bag who do you think your fooling with?

Now on the bright side. When Davis get's called on to say the prayer, then Caleb is asked to help him. So they bow their heads, and Caleb says "Dear" and Davis repeats "Dear", then Caleb goes on in one word or maybe two words, and Davis repeates the entire thing. Well, it's just the cutest experience to see this!

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